Monday, April 8, 2013

So, You Think Passives Are Your Ally...

...but you merely adopted the passives. I was born to do them, molded by them. I didn't see an active program until I was already an RA. By then, they were nothing to me but blinding!

Maybe I shouldn't be updating from Starbucks.
I kinda love passives. Like the kind that take up the wall and make the fire marshal cry. Or the kind that are presented in unexpected ways in unexpected places.

Something I liked to do every month was decorate my bathroom. My wing would all share a bathroom and in a way it served as a common area that was exclusively theirs. Sure, other floors could hang out in our lobby, but the bathroom was a great place to promoted upcoming events in a place that students would have to see them. 

I am talking, of course, about bathroom stalls.

The Perpetual Programmer cares about literacy and classiness, but  not at the same time.
Step 1. Find some cute paper at the dollar store, 1 page per stall.
Step 2. Write a few short blurbs about upcoming events on campus or in your hall, or reminders about rules.
Step 3. Fill the rest of the page with Snapple Facts.
Step 4. Prepare to hear residents reading them aloud to each other for the next month. 

These were pretty easy to maintain, and I just switched them out every month along with a few festive diecuts around the sinks and mirrors (snowflakes for December, hearts for February) and voila! My floor knows I care even when I am busy/dead to the world. The best endorsement to this day about bathroom facts was after hanging up new facts one of my residents ran past me and said "I'm so excited to poop now!"


If putting something you made with love near where other people poop is weird for you, then good news! If you laminate them they can also be placed in the shower! No more off key singing for your residents!

Plus, Earth Day is April 22nd. What better place to share a few facts about saving water? In addition, Earth Day is the best excuse to put Wall-E all over everything. 

Like I need an excuse.
Here is a board I made using Earth Day facts and Wall-e.

Wall-e and Eve are recycled from an earlier and less attractive board which I would show you if I could find the picture. Wall-e is easier to make then he looks; when you break it down, he's just squares and circles and rectangles. The eyes for each were the hardest part, but one you has one down you could just flip it, trace and boom you have two. I included a few facts about the history of Earth Day and conservation and then I had a board going.
Starbucks is closing, but there's more to come!

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